William Dennis King was born (1941) in Durham, N.C. and raised in Chapel Hill, N.C. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1965. He has lived in New York City for over 40 years.
King is the author of two books, Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism (Doubleday, 1989) and Get the Facts on Anyone (Third Edition, Macmillan Reference USA, 1999) (the latter book is widely used as a manual by investigative journalists). He has written scores of articles for local and national newspapers and magazines, the majority relating to the LaRouche network and other political cults and anti-Semitic groups. Many of his articles as well as his LaRouche book are available on his website at http//lyndonlarouchewatch.org. He is currently focussed on web-based advocacy journalism.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, King lectured widely in the United States and Canada, and he has appeared on numerous radio talk shows and on local and national TV. Over the past four decades he has accumulated a large archival collection (over 180 legal-sized boxes) on the LaRouche organization and other political cults, as well as on scores of other non-mainstream religious and political organizations (many of which are not cults at all) and on the various activist groups with which he has been associated at one time or another. King plans to place this unique collection with a major research library and is continually soliciting primary source materials from individuals and organizations throughout the United States.
King is a member of Investigative Reporters & Editors and the International Cultic Studies Association. He is available for lectures and other public appearances as well as consulting, writing, research or editing assignments in his areas of specialty.
political cults, psychology of cultism, political code language, techniques of investigative journalism, community organizing, science fiction, Australian "New Wave" films, virtual reality technologies, children's literature, military history